Symposium TAPP Coalition in Amsterdam 29th May

To celebrate its 5th anniversary, the TAPP Coalition organised a Lustrum Symposium on 29 May at the OBA Theatre in Amsterdam, at Oosterdokskade 143, near the C.S  It  included an EU Election debate with representatives from 4 political parties (Christian Democrats, Liberals, Greens and Left party). 

Last Wednesday TAPP Coalition had her Lustrum 5 year anniversary with a Symposium in Amsterdam, visited by 120 persons and 30 of our closest (Dutch) partners, see photo.  Now we have 73 partner organisations (we started with 24 in 2019...). We received loads of compliments for what we achieved in 5 years. On behalf of our Agriculture Minister, and the whole Ministry, full support was committed for our (fiscal) pricing proposals in the food transition in a speech of the highest Director General Agri, who promised to help get support from our new Agri-Minister and right wing government to be installed soon. A high director of Rabobank committed to a similar pricing approach.  We handed over a price to caterer Vermaat for implementing many pilot projects with true pricing in catering (higher prices for dairy, eggs etc). We presented a representative survey among almost 400 Dutch livestock farmers, showing 53% support for a high VAT rate on meat/dairy/eggs, if revenues would be used for animal welfare improvements (similar to the German plan for Tierwohl cent).

We organised an EU election debate with 4 representatives from Renew (D66), S&D/Greens (GroenLinks-PvdA), The European Left (PvdD) and EPP (CDA). This debate is recorded and subtitled in English, see video (please share on socials): The EPP candidate (nr 2 on list CDA) surprisingly supported an Ag-ETS downstream option, in combination of CBAM import taxes on meat/dairy while the Green candidate did not. We presented a new report with articles of 4 scientific institutes of political parties on their views on pricing and taxation of food & agriculture and rewarding farmers/consumers. This included a list of visions/proposals on this topics of all parties / EU programmes. 

More background information in Dutch:

A few highlights (for the full programme see link in Dutch).

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